Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Work almost stops blogging

Man it's been a long time since I posted here, it was almost at the point where if I didn't post something I probably would loose interest and not post ever again, but where would that leave you my loyal readers?

So why are we in this situation? Well, on Thursday morning a whole bunch of "emergency" work landed on my desk. This work took until Monday afternoon to sort out and has pushed my normal work back significantly. I've just gotten my head above water so I decided to tell you about all the stuff that's been going on.

I was up until really late on Friday night/ Saturday morning. Work had had a party (which I didn't go to) so I managed to pilfer snacks and beverages for my long night of work. By the time I finished work and had done last week's SchpatDope I was pretty wasted, but had had nine Red Bulls. Being tire led me to making a rather embarrassing mistake on the SchpatDope, if I had followed my notes better I would have gotten the calc right, but that would also have been just a mistake because until last night I didn't really know the difference. Thanks to Jason and Michelle of the SchpatDope Science Advisory Board for helping me out.

After that my weekend was pretty much screwed. I did end up watching Hell Boy and Buffalo Soldiers and they were both pretty decent.

As you know by now Zenstar won the prize for 1000th blog reader, and I gave him an option to take the money or receive a mystery prize. Well because I'm not a total heartless bastard, or maybe because I am, I've decided to allow him to ask three yes/no answer questions. One question should be asked at a time and questions requireing subjective answers will be disallowed. So go zenstar!

Big News Here

I was also informed that George A, Romario's latest "Dead" instalment is to be released here in South Africa on the 23rd of September. I want to organise mass zombiage down to Canal Walk for the friday night show. After that a party over at The One Ring. That's right folks, this is your opportunity to get zombied up and aimlessly wander around a mall. I've spoken with Antonio, the proprietor of The One Ring and he is happy for us to do it. He will even supply a prize for best dressed zombie. I'm also in negotiations with Nu Metro for some promotional gear. I'll be posting more details later, right now I need you guys out there to start spreading the news. Tell your friends, your family, your co-workers and really even just strangers in the street. I did this with a couple of friends last time a serious zombie movie was released, it really was a lot of fun. I'll post some pics tomorrow.



Synkronos said...

Dude, I'm totally putting that on my CV ^_^

zenstar said...

question 1:
does it contain electronics of any sort?
(including but not limited to: memory, circuitboards, leds, etc...)

Bast said...

Hey schpat, I'm having my going away party on 23rd. It's the only time I can do it a short enough time before I leave to be meaningful