Tuesday, August 23, 2005

1000th visitor wins prize!

Moonflake has inspired me. She has taken a screenshot of her blog counter when it reached a certain impressive milestone and I'd like to do the same. The only difference is that I'd like to make it an interactive thing for my readers. So here it is: If you are the lucky reader to capture the magic number ("1000") you will receive exactly one half of my blog earnings up until that time. That's earnings generated by clicks on ads in both this blog and the SchpatDope. Currently this number is at $11 so half is $5.50! Remember that if you actually support our sponsors while visiting to see if you are the 1000th visitor you will be increasing the prize fund!

If you don't know how to take a screen shot here are brief instructions:

1. make sure desired window is active
2. press Alt+PrnScr to copy to clipboard
3. open MS Paint
4. press Ctrl+V to paste from clipboard
5. save file.

If you have the picture mail it to me and wait for your reward.

Anyway so that's an interesting little thing for you to do.

Tonight is RPG and I really can't wait.

In an interesting development a study has apparently shown that violent video games causes violence in children. Now results of the study aside (I bought a book at the book sale entitled "how to lie with statistics") the sheer media sensationalism on this piece is amazing. They've even misrepresented the "Hot Coffee" patch saying that it enables content not only of a sexual nature but also explicit scenes of violence and drug use, isn't that just the normal game? Oh they also allude to the Columbine shootings being because of violent video games, missing the entire point about the poor dudes being bullied and generally mistreated finally sending them over the edge. Next thing they'll claim is that Pokemon and Yu Gi Oh are satanic.

In other funny, this whole village in china has changed their name. The ancestral name of the village was changed to "Gou" by some emperor after he suffered some slight, the name means "humble" but is pronounced "dog", a huge insult in china. I guess it's the same as being called something like Patrick Shizenkopf. The men apparently have a huge problem finding brides as no respectable women wants to be a shit head!

In not so funny here is proof that global warming exists, it's rather alarming really.

Anyway, that's about it for today. Remer to get that screen capture to prove you're my 1000th visitor so that you can win your prize! Cheating will be frowned upon.

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