Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Bullshit Baffles Brainless

Every now and then I'm truly amazed by how gullible and dumb some people can be. It makes me want to start some kind of scam where I claim that through sniffing african buffalo dung I can cure bad luck. Case in point: Yesterday I was re-entering my work building when I encountered moron of the week. Now the building in question has access control that works off a credit card sized transponder bearing the employee's name, staff number and a photo. This access card must be passed over a reader point to activate the turnstiles, I'm sure you've all seen these kind of systems before. At the time of my brush with idiocy I happened to have a bottle of granadilla juice in the same hand as my access when I swiped it at the turnstile. Lo and behold somebody who also works in the building asked me how I'd gotten in with the juice. I calmly held up the bottle, the card still in my hand and told them that it was the RFID tag on the juice that let me in. They asked what RFID was and I "explained" that a tiny transponder was "printed" onto the label that allowed stores to track their goods, I pointed at an imagined bulge in the label, again right next to my access card, and said: "can you see it there". "Oh, yeah," said the moron. I told them that it was "just a weird coincidence" that the RFID tag on the juice happened to let you into the building, "strange huh?".

Well it would be vaguely amusing had that been the end of it, but today the idiot approached me and told me that the granadilla juice trick had not worked when he tried to show it to some friends. I stifled my laughter and said, "yeah, it only works if you use the juice to exit the building first." I just can't wait for the next episode.

In other news, Telkom actually phoned me today and they want to install my ADSL tomorrow, woot. Hopefully I'm picking up the equipment today. r0><><0r

There've been quite a few entrants in the Lonely Finger Challenge. The latest challenger, def, went as far as finding out who the site was registered to and getting hold of the developers, but they wouldn't tell him anything. Spoilsports. And yes def, I am _actually_ giving away a prize, I've done it before and I'll probably do it again.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool Schpat :)

Ur blog is pretty cool.

Hay, I found out some more information about these lonely finger people...

It seems the advertising agency is 'BBDO'...
people who did Virgin Atlantic advert in ZA....


There is new content on the site...


I don't think this site has anything to do with HUNTERS.CO.ZA?
Nice site, but probably just done by the same design company...
Because in one of the .js files on the lonelyfinger site, the popup has a name 'HUNTERS'...
but, it's probably just cut and paste?