Monday, April 10, 2006

Reports of my bachelorhood have been greatly exaggerated

Well folks, sorry about the not posting for a week, but I was on leave from work so that I could get married. It was a really wonderful day and my bride, Elisabeth if you were wondering, was beautiful. I'll post a picture or two tomorrow.

I've had a lot of congratulatory calls and stuff but what is most surprising is that people are congratulating me in the comments of this blog. That's surprising in a good way people. It just shows that even though people know me personally and have my email address and my cell number we're all part of this great big blog community. It's cool.

Anyway I'm probably going to get back to proper posting tomorrow but until then I'll announce the winner of the blog contest contest, contest... contest. And the winner is: TotalWaste with suggestion "H"

Best translation from one of george w.'s speeches into "what george was thinking when he said this"

Well done TW, please let me know where I can buy your gift certificate online, or if you're happy to have it handed over to you at the same time as your salty liquorice.

Now that that one is over people you can all go out and find a GW quote and "translate" it. As usual send your entries to schpat at gmail dot com . Any body can enter, that you too TW, entries will be open until the 30th April, winner will be decided by vote and again the prize will be a R100 gift certificate for your favorite multimedia store.

Good Luck All

Schpat Out


Patrick Schreiber said...

Aww, thanks

Adam Fisher / fisher king said...

w00t!!! most awesome. thanks everyone who voted; schpat - i'll take it with my liquorice ;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Schpat, welcome to the married multitudes