Thursday, October 06, 2005

A quick Update

So I haven’t been very active in the blogsphere lately, I've been busy.

I have had a reply from the lovely Carolise and even though she is now instantly repulsed at the idea of being introduced to zombies, unfortunately she's situated in the dusty north (also known as Centurion). Sorry Seeping Neck wound!

If you've seen the pictures of the guy looting beer in New Orleans you'll appreciate the ones that have been photo shoped to make them even funnier. I'm going to include one in each of my posts for a while now. They're calling him "beer looter guy".

I also just wanted to point out the irony in this story. go read it and have a laugh.

Also my new camera should be arriving on Friday. woot.

Also Hold'em was really fun and much quicker than five card draw, more games equal more enjoyment.


1 comment:

Adam Fisher / fisher king said...

hold'em or holden? holden totally rocks.

w-v: For Women My Ass Divine