Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Cock punches all round

Well, Well, Well. I hate being right. If I meet the people responsible for creating the "Load Shedding Schedule" I swear I will punch them in the cock! If they don't have cocks I'll force them to have gender alteration surgery so that I can PUNCH THEM IN THE FUCKING COCK!!!!

This post going to be a quick rant about how stupid the people planning for emergencies are.

I live in Pinelands, which happens to be in "Block A" of the load shedding schedule (found on the Chamber of Commerce Website). Block A is off between 06:00 - 9:30 and 14:00 - 17:30. On the face of it it seems that this is reasonable, 7 hours of power cuts is about the 30%, about what they said they need us to cut. The only problem is that the fourth block in the load shedding schedule is a union of sets A and B, this block is off from 22:00 - 06:00. That brings the total time without power to 15 hours out of every 24 for anybody in blocks A or B. If you're unlucky enough to be in block A then 11.5 of those hours are consecutive! What's more, I don't see any areas in the Northern Suburbs having their power cut, maybe they're just not on the list but reports from colleagues who live in those areas tell me that they have been unaffected by Load Shedding.

As I have stated before, this situation was totally avoidable, but now that it has happened we need to understand that there will be power cuts and bitching about them isn't going to nullify their necessity. However bitching about unfair distribution of the power that is available might have some effect. Electricity is after all a “basic service”, the provision of which is enshrined in our constitution.

To the city officials that decide on Load Shedding: Get your act together, Fucktards.

I'm sure this electricity thing is just a conspiracy to stop you all from reading the "Election Special" post that I had planned for today. Never fear, I, the great and mighty Schpat, will ensure that their evil countermeasures do not silence this lone voice of decent! That means that there will be a second post at some point today.


PS: This is my 100th post. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

The cynic in me says that the Northern 'burbs avoiding powercuts is political. Big population = make'um happy.

But could it just be because they have a smaller power draw?