Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Arrgh, I hate computers!!

Well I don’t really, I just hate it when computers don’t behave properly. My PC had some kind of meltdown yesterday and now won’t start up. This was after I spent a significant part of Saturday reinstalling the OS and patching it up the wazoo. Some of the windows files are corrupted and I suppose a reinstall or s repair is in order, oh joy. But I will get it working. Oh yes, I will get it working!

I was thinking about Wayne’s World the other night. Then I started thinking about The Wonder Years, that was a rocking show. Btw, Kevin’s brother’s name was Wayne. Also Fred Savage’s brother Ben played Cory in Boy Meets World. Ben Feldman, from Living With Fran is not Corey Feldman’s brother, although Corey’s mom was a Playboy Playmate.


OK here’s the point where I rally all my readers together. If you didn’t know about it, it looks like an independent production company (read as a group of dedicated fans) is trying to revive Joss Whedon’s stalled space opera “Firefly”. Apparently they are looking at buying the rights and making the show available on a subscription basis. Now those of you who have taken into my confidence will know that last year when they too Star Trek off the silver screen I suggested a very similar method of keeping it alive. Needless to say I think it’s a great idea and totally has the potential to succeed. At the moment they’re gaining market intelligence by taking a survey, they promise that you won’t get any gorram spam. If you thought that this was the best show in the whole wide ‘verse then go fill in the survey.

The difference between this plan and my Star Trek plan is that with the original I was getting in on the ground floor and making millions, whereas here I hopefully get to see a few more episodes of Firefly with little or no effort. I can’t really decide which one actually works out better for me.

Go visit their site!

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