Friday, August 05, 2005

My eyes are scratchy!

Well Elisabeth's flat has finally be rented out, after like four months, so I should be getting in some additional revenue soon. This is good news, I've been paying two bonds every month and it's starting to kill me.

I've had some disturbing news about a friend of mine and the way that he is reacting to people I know. The whole situation with this guy kinda sucks, he was one of our best friends and now he's just totally withdrawn form us. We have no clue why and it's really confusing to us. We are gonna have to do something to gain some clarity and perhaps achieve closure on this issue. Currently I'm blaming a Cheese-grater & Mesa conspiracy! Those dark powers that secretly control long-distance driving in South Africa have finally realised that he knew too much and replaced him with an evil robot twin. Hey, at least it's a story I can understand.

DragonFire, the oldest and second coolest role-playing convention is South Africa is happening this weekend. I'm really looking forward to it.

This morning I just happened to have an opportunity for a ten minute read and I picked up an old Mad magazine. About a minute into my "read" I realised that although it had been sitting there for years I'd never actually read it, Score! It's like finding money in your wallet that you had forgotten about.

No interesting links today. what?!? I've been busy!

Ok I lied, here's one about fulfilling your fantasies and another about becoming a male stripper in Sweden.

By the way as of now I've earned $0.91 from my google ads! And the title of the entry has nothing to do with the contense, it's just da trewph.

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